A time to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians.
October is a time when we celebrate that Australia is one of the safest places in the world to work, but also a time when we all commit to building even safer workplaces.

At Jayden Enterprises, we’re always on the lookout for opportunities to improve the health and safety of our teams. This October, in recognition of National Safe Work Month, we’re running the following activities:
1. BBQ Breakfast Safety Toolbox Meeting – Every Monday we spend a few minutes talking together with our team over a BBQ breakfast cooked by Dirk about the hazards and risks in the workplace and the ways to prevent harm. This also gives us an opportunity to check-in with each other and keep an eye on our mates mental health.
2. WorkCover Safety Advocate Speakers – WorkCover Qld provides a safety advocate who will attend your event – whether it’s your annual staff BBQ or a regular workplace safety meeting – to speak to workers about the importance of safety in the workplace.
Safety advocates share their personal stories of trauma and tragedy to compel workers to think about the most important reason for workplace safety. They have a few good tips that might help your workers appreciate the priority of workplace safety.
WorkCover Safety Advocates:
- increase awareness about the importance of work health and safety
- highlight the personal impacts that an injury can have on workers and their families
- prompt discussion about work health and safety
- encourage employers and workers to develop work health and safety solutions together.
We recently had Safety Advocate Bill Martin attend our workplace event.
His son, Tim, died at the age of 17 after he received an electric shock at work.
Bill now visits Queensland businesses as a safety advocate, to encourage workers to make electrical and workplace safety a priority, and to highlight the personal impacts that an accident can have on workers and their families.
Every year about 40 people die due to workplace related incidents in Queensland, and around 5000 Queenslanders will suffer some kind of permanent injury. Young workers are particularly vulnerable to risk in their workplace and need induction and proper training, adequate supervision, mentoring and support.
Bill shares his personal story to inspire people to lead in safety culture, and to better understand the unique safety requirements of young workers.